Different does not mean less than.
D.B., Artist
Example product title
The Art of Oddities and Other Things was imagined by D.B. as a way to show the world that different does not mean less than. With a love of the quirky and different, combined with a distinct art style, D.B. hopes that his designs will bring some happiness to others, as well as make them think about how they treat those who are a different kind of brilliant. For now, D.B. would like to keep his identity private from the public, but hopefully soon he will be willing to share more. D.B.'s art is a gateway to his heart, his thoughts and his identity, so looking through his art and reading about each piece, tells you more about him than a photograph ever could.
Born in 2008, having suffered a stroke in utero, DB has made quite the impact on those around him. No matter what any medical professional has predicted, DB has quietly (a-hem, perhaps not so quietly) gone about proving them wrong and doing the exact opposite.
Living life with Cerebral Palsy, a Visual Impairment, an Autism Spectrum Disorder and all of the comorbidities that can come along with those disabilities, DB has defied all odds and has a long list of achievements, despite his very young age, some of which he will share with you in time.
DB lives in Newcastle, Australia with his Mum, two sisters, two cats Barney and Kovu, puppy Eddie Simon Baker Munson and his sister's angora rabbit, Monster. He is passionate about art, diversity, fairness, classic cars specifically cars from the 1940s and 1950s (his dream car is a 1948 Jaguar XK 120) ... but not the European cars that directly profited from and were involved in the Holocaust and have never made reclamations (bye bye BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi ....).
With a wicked sense of humour and sharp wit, DB wins the hearts of everyone who is lucky enough to spend time with him ... except sometimes his sisters who occasionally think he's a stinky boy and annoying. No DB, they are not ableist just DBist!
So, we hope you will join in celebrating all of the intellect, wit, creativity and sarcasm that makes DB who he is, through your positive interactions and feedback on his very first venture into e-commerce to showcase his Art. Don't forget to buy something, or 10, that Jag isn't going to pay for itself! (unless of course Jay Leno wants to gift DB one of his Jag XK 120's ... he will accept!)
We don't doubt that DB has barely scratched the surface of his creative talents and we will see a great deal more as he grows into adulthood.